ComSys Team

Principal Investigator

Yunho Oh, Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering at Korea University
Personal Website

Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2018
M.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2011
B.S. iin Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2009

Yunho is an assistant professor at Korea University. His research interests focus on designing next-generation computing systems, including hardware and software for energy-efficient datacenters, processor architectures (CPUs, GPUs, and AI accelerators), memory systems, and system software.

Yunho was an assistant professor at SungKyunKwan University (SKKU). From 2019 to 2021, he was a postdoc in PARSA at EPFL (PI: Professor Babak Falsafi). He completed Ph.D. at Yonsei University (Advisor: Professor Won Woo Ro). From 2016 to 2017, Yunho worked as a visiting graduate scholar at the USC (Faculty Sponsor: Professor Murali Annavaram). From 2011 to 2014, He worked as a software engineer at Mobile Communications Buniness, Samsung Electronics.

Email: yunho_oh at korea dot ac dot kr

Graduate Students

Ph.D. and Integrated M.S/Ph.D. Students (E-mail Addresses)

Sangun Choi (sangun_choi at korea dot ac dot kr)
Jaebeom Jeon (414dragon at korea dot ac dot kr)
Jongmin Kim (jmkim99 at korea dot ac dot kr)
Jaeyong Park (jypark9818 at korea dot ac dot kr)
Minseong Gil (ms7859 at korea dot ac dot kr)
Sungsu Ahn (sungsu_ahn at korea dot ac dot kr)
Dongwon Yang (From Mar. 2025)

M.S Students (E-mail Addresses)

Seondeok Kim (seondeok0312 at korea dot ac dot kr)
Junsu Kim (j0807s at korea dot ac dot kr)
Kyungbin Kim (binbin10 at korea dot ac dot kr)
Kieun Park (From Mar. 2025)

Undergraduate Students

JooKyung Yuh
Jaehyeok Ryu
Dowoong Kong
Wonjung Jeong
Youngseok Yu
Yiseok Lee


Sangun Choi (M.S., Now Ph.D student at ComSys)